sobota, 25 lutego 2012

Eight Prayers to Giri-Govardhana

Eight Prayers to Giri-Govardhana
(by His Grace Kåñëa-kñetra Prabhu)

1. Of that crest-jewel of mountains which decorates the land of Vraja, which appears in the shape of a peacock with Rädhä-kuëòa as the eye, and who agreed to balance atop the left baby finger of the Supreme Lord Kåñëa to protect the inhabitants of Vraja from Indra's wrath, I wish to take constant shelter.

2. You are known as "Govardhana" because You give shelter to Kåñëa's cows as well as unlimited other living entities. You provide them with all necessities of life, and therefore, much to Lord Indra's cagrin, Kåñëa instructed the residents of Vraja to offer You all honor and worship. Please confer Your shelter to this wretched soul, who fully depends on the Lord's mercy if he is ever to become His devotee.

3. When the clouds of dissolution were ordered by Indra to pour their waters over Våndävana, they hesitated, fearing the Lord's retaliation. But Kåñëa surprised everyone (except Närada) by lifting You up effortlessly, using You as an umbrella to protect all His dear devotees. Please allow me to follow in their footsteps and take exclusive shelter in the Lord's instructions.

4. For seven days and nights You balanced atop the Lord's lotus hand, seeming no heavier than a mushroom picked by a child. I am being crushed under the weight of my own karma. Please give me Your shelter, and may the Lord lift this intolerable burden of sinful reactions which I can no longer bear.

5. You are Giriräja, the Lord of mountains, and every stone upon You is worshipable as non-different from You, whom Kåñëa accepted as non-different from Him. As Giriräja You accepted all the offerings of the inhabitants of Vraja, calling "Äniyor, äniyor! (more, more!)" until some wise devotees brought You tulasé leaves for Your satisfaction. Please accept the humble offerings of this insignificant devotee, and allow him to take shelter at Your lotus feet.

6. Atop of You, the Lord revealed Himself as Gopäl to Mädhavendra Puré and the residents of Våndävana. Honoring Your devotees' desires not to tread on Your back, Gopäl came down to another place—on the pretext—to give darçan of Himself to all. I take shelter of Your lotus feet, circumambulating You in my mind as I wander from place to place in this desolate world.

7. Despite chanting again and again, my heart remains like stone, becoming even harder and harder due to my offenses. May this heart become softened by the touch of Your ruby-like red stones, which were embraced by the arms of Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu and drenched by His tears of love.

8. The conditioned souls are daily trying to scale the steep mountains of wealth, fame and false prestige, only to fall off the cliffs of lust, anger and greed and be dashed on the rocks of madness, illusion and envy. Let everyone take eternal shelter at the feet of that supreme transcendental mountain, Giri-Govardhana, and thus be elevated to the supreme abode of Lord Kåñëa, from which there is no falling down.

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