sobota, 21 kwietnia 2012

Class in Musnam where is self manifested Deity of Varahadeva

Lecture by: HDG Srila Krishna Ksetra Prabhu, and
HG Parthasarathi Prabhu (translated by HG Vijay Prabhu)
Place: Mushnam, India. One of the eight Svayam Vyakta Ksetras of Vaishnavas
The temple of the Self-manifested Deity of Lord Varahadeva
Year 2012
Transcribed by Venu-pani Prabhu

[Guru-Maharaja (GM):] ...a muddy, wet place. What is a good form to take if you happen to be Vishnu? Which you are not...
[Devotees:] A boar...
[GM:] A boar. Why?
[devotee:] He has a tusk.
[GM:] He has tusks, and what else?
[devotee2] He likes muddy places.
[GM:] He likes muddy places. Muddy, dirty, yucky places...
[devotee3] And He is still strong...
[GM:] And He is still strong. Yes. So, the demigods are disturbed, they pray to the Lord, to lord Brahma,
and lord Brahma finds himself quite surprised, to discover that something, or someone is appearing out
of his nostrils. Now, what is it that usually comes out of our nostrils?
[devotee] Gumgu...
[GM:] Gumgu? Gumgu... Yeah... just gumgul  So, that’s something... So that says about the difference between us and lord Brahma. When lord Brahma blows his nose, so to speak, out comes the Lord. The Lord as Varaha. But first He, initially, He was what size? Very small, yes. Maybe the size of a thumb. Then immediately He expanded, and expanded, and demigods were becoming more and more amazed, at what they saw. They saw this cosmic, bluish-colored boar whose body consisted of all the different features of Vedic sacrifice, and so they began to offer prayers with this idea in mind. They wereacknowledging that, “Yes, You are the Lord, and You are manifesting all of these features of the sacrifice. You are, in other words, the embodiment of sacrifice, or Vedic ritual for re-generation of the Earth.” Right? Lilian was just asking, what should be our mood in having darsan in all this temples. Well, one mood you might like to remember is one of the demigods. When they are praying to the Lord, “Please come, help! There is trouble again. Help!” And then Lord responds to their prayers. So, naturaly they are humble, and in general that’s our principle aim, to cultivate the spirit of humility. Trnad api sunicena [all together chant] Taror eva sahisnuna, amanina, manadena, kirtaniya sada harih... So in that mood of humility then we can engage in kirtana, which means glorification. And, if you are wondering how toglorify the Lord in these different forms, my own sort of, how to say, instant solution, is prayers from Brahma-samhita,

[all chant together]

iśvarah paramah rsnah
sac-cid- nanda- igrahah
an dir dir go indah
sarva- rana- ranam

And then, all the prayers of lord Brahma beginning with

[all chant together]

cint mani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa-
laks rtesu surabhir abhip layantam
laksm -sahasra- ata-sambhrama-se yam nam
govindam di-purusam tam aham bhaj mi [Bs. 5.29]

[GM:] And if you are not sure of any of these verses, just keep chanting, [everyone chanting] “govindam
adi-purusam tam aham bhaj mi...” Or, you can chant verses from Bhagavad-gita,

[GM leads chanting the way Vedic mantras are sung; others follow:]

sarva-dharm n parityajya
m m e aṁ araṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ t ṁ sarva-p pebhyo
mokṣayiṣy mi m ucaḥ
[BG 18.66]

[GM:] Or, you can chant, [leads chanting the way Vedic mantras are sung; others follow]
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
[GM:] And you can pray, “My dear Lord, You are kindly allowing me to have Your darshan; kindly reside in my heart, and illuminate my heart, that I may take full shelter of Your lotus feet.” How’s that for a prayer?
[devotees:] Beautiful... Very nice.
[GM:] OK, let’s hear some more about... where’s, where is our Vijay Ji... he disappeared. There he is...
“Sri Bhu Varahadeva Ki...”
[Devotees:] Jay...!
[Vijay Prabhu (VP):] So, here we have Parthasarathi Prabhu. He is the temple president of this Bhu-
Varaha temple, so he will tell some informations about the Deity and temple...
[GM:] Does he want to sit?
[Parthasarathi Prabhu speaks, and Vijay Prabhu translates into English:] So, this is, this ksetra is called
Sri Musnam, so this is svayam [vyakta] ksetra. Self-manifested Deity. So here the Lord is facing toward
the south. If you see the head of the Lord is facing toward the south direction. It is said because once
Lord has killed the Hiranyaksa, so (asva devanyas?) [can’t understand] requests the lotus feet toward the South direction, so that’s why you can see the body it’s toward the west, and the head of the Lord it’s towards the south direction, because of the Hiranyaksa’s request to the Lord... Ok this is Ambujavalli [Thayar] [The Lord’s consort] She is born in the village named Neively, after getting married she has been taken here. So the main festivals here is Brahmotsav, in the month of Masi also there is a nice festival... We can see the Deity of Hindus and Muslims, they say, so here during the month of Masi, Masi month... [translates] in the month of Masi, [full moon in February-March] uttsava Deity is called Yajna Varaha Swami. So, he has been taken around villages nearby, so one practice that, even this practice is still going on. So that Muslims who are staying in the villages, [translates] the Muslims who are staying in the villages, so they use to offer prashadam, to Varaha Swami. The Yajna Varaha Swami, and they take by the flower from the Varaha Swami, and they offer it to Allah...
[GM:] Oh, just see...
[VP:] ... So this practice is still being practiced for years, in this particular village. So, that is a fact. And
here you can see nearby, is called Nithya Pushkarani, so it is said, after killing the Hiranyaksha, there is
the intensive perspiration from the Lord’s body, this Pushkar is created by the sweating of the Lord, so
that is also another fact. [translating] So this temple is constructed by famous king, you might know,
Krishna Deva Raya, was really in Karnataka. It is said this temple was worshipped by Madhva
sampradaya, so later it has been taken over by Sri Vaishnavas. And Madhvaacarya personally came and performed some puja ceremony here, and it is said one kilometer away from this place, there is one
place called tanga pushkari [?] Kindiketam [?] With the danda of Madhvaacarya, just banged on the
earth, so from that Pushkarini came, so even though there is so much drought in this area, but still this
river is there. It survived all the natural calamities... There is one more story about the construction of
the temple. So it is said that Rajendri Param, which is eight kilometers, on the way we saw, the place, so there were four kings of Nayik, so Nayik kings there are four kings, Achyutappa, Krishnapaa, Kundapa, and Govindapa. So these are the four kings who were descending [deciding?] here. So one day this Achyutappa was suffering from a great stomachache, stomach pain. So, it is said that Varaha Swami came in his dream and kept His finger on the right side of his shoulder. So from that he was relieved from the stomachache. So on account of that he built up this beautiful temple, here. [translating] OK. On account of that he have constructed the beautiful temple. Still you can see this main mandapa, there is a four... in sixteen-pillar mandapa here you can see, just in front of temple, you can see this four brothers, so there is still the Achyutappa deities [murti] there where you can see the fingerprints of Varaha Swami there in the right side, so still you can see while we are going, so that is one of significant... [translating] And there is a Thirumanjaram, it called. Thirumanjara means, so every day there will be abhisekam performed. You have seen coconuts and honey, so everyday Thirumanjaram is conducted at temple timely, that is what they say. So everyday there will be abhisekam for the deities [4 kings’ murtis, or Varaha Deity?] Like Thirupati, we all know that Thirupati like this, very famous. And here Korikelanga they call it. Korikelanga, which is made up of [translating] rice powder, cardamom, and ghee, and sugar. So, with this four videsa, four ingredients, they make this korikelanga. So in the bus we will give for everyone we will give one korikelanga.
[devotees:] Haribol...!
[VP:] So once we go to the bus. Have you already purchased it? So, we’ll have it. OK, Hare Krishna! Thank you.
[GM:] ...the meaning of this place, Sri Mushnam?
[VP:] Shree Mushanam. [translating] So this was the forest before, this what he was telling, so Sri
Mushnam, so Varaha Perumal came here, so that’s how it came, it came to the forest. Before it was a
forest. Mushnam means, he means to say, it is a forest. So Varaha Perumal came, so that’s how this
place become Sri Mushnam.
[devotee] So, Jay Vijay... [can’t understand the question in the background]
[GM:] ...female dvarapalam [female gatekeepers?]
[VP:] [conversations in Tamil?] So, one Sankarya Vibhisaka. There is Sankari, and this is Vibhisaka... OK, Hare Krishna!
[devotee2] Did the lord manifest Himself right after killing Hiranyaksa?
[VP:] Yeah. That’s what they say.
[devotee2] this is one of the main...
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